Menstrual Poverty in 2020

Our world was turned upside down when COVID-19 came on the scene. Many homeless women were left without a place to stay and basic resources. Many homeless shelters refused lodging due to the world wide pandemic, leaving many women to resort to living on the streets. Her Padded Truth continues to forge ahead in the fight to end menstrual poverty in America. To help in the fight are our dedicated supporters who fight tirelessly to help us change the world one pad at a time. We’d like to introduce you to Brittane’, here is her story.

Brittane’ Maddox, United States Navy Veteran

Brittane’ Maddox, United States Navy Veteran

My name is Brittane’ Maddox. I am originally from Chicago, Illinois. I am a United States Naval Veteran and have been living in Virginia since 2011. I attend Rock Center Church, located in Chesapeake with Pastor Michael & First Lady Candace Green, where they have been teaching me how to walk in my purpose of enlightening, encouraging, as well as empowering women! I am grateful that “Her Padded Truth” allowed me to use their platform as avenue to bless and serve other women through the donation of 100 packs of pads! Thank you to everyone that helped in anyway to make this vision a reality. 

100 pack of menstrual pads for women and young girls in need

100 pack of menstrual pads for women and young girls in need

We are so excited for the support of Ms. Maddox. Her dedication to the cause is so warming. She's donated a 100 packs of menstrual pads to Her Padded Truth. These pads will help young girls and homeless women in need. We thank her for her diligence and dedication to helping women in need.

Want to donate?

  • Did you know that a donation of $10 can help a woman have menstrual hygiene product for an entire month? Make sure to hit the donate button to help support our cause.