Her Padded Truth®

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I Can't Deal....

So it happened...the breaking point. The point where I have become so overwhelmed with my life, thoughts, and responsibilities that I just can't deal. We've all been there when we've become so overwhelmed with life that we had to shut everything else out and just...BREATH! Yea I was there today. Can I be transparent? Today I started to feel unqualified, yes me lol. We've all been there at some point in our lives and have asked ourselves that age old question.....WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?! I've learned that throughout the years that my faith has been the most consistent thing in my life. I had to learn that taking time out for myself was important and not selfish. But one thing is for certain if you don't place boundaries in areas of your life you will be like a leaf in the wind blowing here, there, and everywhere. Don't allow people to make you feel as if taking some time out for YOU is wrong or selfish, because it's not. I've learned to take my "I can't deal" moments and reflect on what I could do to improve my life and relationships with those around me. If you have every had a "I Can't Deal" moment start thinking of areas in your life that need to be weeded out so that you Can Deal! Equip your mind and speak affirming words that will motivate and uplift, because in this season of your life You Gotta Deal!