and it Began......

Wow! Where do I even begin. I'm so excited and honored to be launching out and really doing what I love.....TALKING and WRITING lol. I have wanted to start a blog for some time now but didn't really know what the content would be. I toyed with so many ideas of what I wanted to say and how I wanted to come across and then I heard a still small voice say to me "GIRL JUST BE YOU" and just like that The STAIN was birthed. In this weekly or monthly blog (depending on how I feel...imma just be honest) we will talk about some pretty important issues surrounding women's health and health care needs. I will also be posting some evidence based articles as well as what I like to call " My Thoughts". This blog will be full of TMI (to much information) so if you don't like talking or reading about discharge, funny odors, droopy labia's, and discolored blood this might not be the blog spot for you lol. But what I can tell you is that you will get the truth and authenticity of me and who I am as a wife, mother, minister, writer, healthcare provider, and child of God. So sit back and enjoy the ride as we go deep and you all learn about the first time...I STAINED!